Huntsville Photo Gallery

I brought my digital camera on the trip and was able to take pictures of Friday's Redstone Arsenal vigil and other photographs during the weekend.  The pictures do not convey the passion and commitment of the people who attended the weekend.  The people I met, approximately one hundred individuals from twenty states, walk and breathe this issue everyday.  It was and continues to be an honor to do this work with them.

Special thoughts and thanks to Bruce Gagnon and Mary Beth, without whom the weekend would not have been possible.

Ad from the walls of the Huntsville airport.  Scary, isn't it? Bruce leads the Friday vigil at Redstone Arsenal.
Interview with the TV news Activist and musician Judy Cumbee
Friday vigil at Redstone Arsenal Joel Landy entertains at the Saturday conference.
Bad Seed.  Indeed! Journalist Karl Grossman addresses the conference and "The Wrong Stuff".
Sunday's demonstration at the Space Museum
Keep talking about it!